Straits College of Engineering

Straits College of Engineering (SCE) of Fujian University of Technology

1. Introduction
Straits College of Engineering (SCE) is affiliated with Fujian University of Technology. It was established, with the approval of the Department of Education of Fujian Province, to manage and organize the Fujian-Taiwan Joint College Talent Training Project (FTJCTTP) of FJUT, a model of cooperative undergraduate education. According to its policies, students study in Taiwan for one year after they have completed basic coursework at FJUT. The program is designed to draw high-level professionals to the economic zone on the west side of the Straits. Students who meet all qualifications will graduate with bachelor degrees issued by FJUT and letters of learning results or certificates of completed study issued by cooperative universities in Taiwan.
In 2011, SCE selected top universities on both sides of the straits, including Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Feng Chia University and Mingdao University, to participate in the cooperation of FTJCTTP. At present, the college has over 1,034 students studying nine joint majors, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Material Forming and Control Engineering, Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Automation, Communication Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology (optoelectronic applications direction), Traffic Engineering (oriented to operations and management), Journalism (information and media oriented) and Business Administration. These include a national specialty major, two provincial specialty majors, and five excellence in engineering majors from the national education and training pilot program.

2. Orientation
Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the thinking of the Three Representatives, and contemporary scientific development, SCE of FJUT adheres to the principles of socialist universities, offering a people-oriented education, that reforms, is innovative, promotes fairness, improves quality, and serves society as a whole, Its mission is to meet the talent demand for Haixi (the west bank of Taiwan Strait’s economic construction). The college offers several superior professional majors and implements professional cooperation, using the curriculums, teaching management experience and international faculties of Taiwan universities. It jointly formulates the student program and establishes scientific research projects that serve society. What’s more, the school promotes cooperation in education between Fujian and Taiwan, the integration of teachers and students, their joint sense of identity, their common belief in the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, their innovative spirits, and their practical, application-oriented specialized talents.

3. Characteristics

1) Strong partners. The selected majors are the premier programs of FJUT, as well as of the Taiwan cooperating universities. By jointly planning the programs, the college will enhance the level of talent development, to the mutual advantages of both universities.
2) Innovative model. Using the concept of university-industry cooperation, the school has built a series of majors that meet the needs of the industry, especially by providing talent for mainland Taiwan-owned enterprises. The school also promotes industry development, demand, and innovation.
3) Shared curriculum. The college uses the 3 + 1 double campus learning model. During their four years of undergraduate study, students will study in cooperating universities in Taiwan for one year, taking in the local culture, and enjoying the advantages of the high-quality education resources Taiwan’s renowned universities offer.
4) Teaching connection. Under the school’s credit system, a third of the total courses are high-quality professional courses from Taiwan with their innovative curriculums. In addition to their year of study in Taiwan, students will also learn from teachers from Taiwan employed at SCE. This guarantees that 1/4 of all of a student’s courses are taught and assessed by Taiwanese teachers. In the professional courses, co-edited or Taiwanese textbooks are used. The college also employs foreign teachers to help students improve their English while studying at SCE.
5) Scientific research cooperation. The university promotes joint scientific research projects between SEC and the universities in Taiwan, with each side contributing their strengths. This improves the quality of the research, and enhances its value to society, while strengthening the double division teaching team.

6) Fusion improvement. The student study in Taiwan and teacher exchange programs help to deepen the mutual understanding of economic and social development between the mainland and Taiwan, as well as enhance the shared sense of identity and strengthen the common faith in the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.