BI Xianshun

BIXianshun,Professor, Ph.D, Master's Supervisor, Member of China Democratic League, Bi once served as deputy director of the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics in Heilongjiang Science & Technology College, director of the Institute of Computational Mechanics, Member of the Scientific Committee in Heilongjiang Science & Technology College, academic pacesetter in the subject of Mechanics and Vice Chair of the branch of the Heilongjiang Science & Technology College in China Democratic League. Bi Xianshun once was the committee member of the 7th, 8th and 9th session of CPPCC (the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) in Jixi city in Heilongjiang Province, and now is the member of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Branch Committee of China Democratic League, and the member of the Standing Committee of the NPC (the National People’s Congress) in the Songbei District in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, Member in the Mechanics Academy in Heilongjiang Province, Director of Mechanics Teaching Seminar of China’s Coal Colleges and Universities. He is also the evaluation expert in Natural Science Fund Committee in Heilongjiang Province.

Current research orientation:1. Fractural Dynamics;

2. Non-local Theory

Teaching qualification No.:962310070016545

Guiding postgraduates and young teachers:
2003-2006: guiding one postgraduate in the major of mechanics in Liaoning Project Technology University;
2003-2006, 2004-2007: guiding two postgraduates (Li Yulin) in the major of mineral engineering in Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology from 2003 to 2006 and guiding five mechanics teachers in Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology from 2004 to 2007;
2008 till now: guiding one mechanics teacher (Ma Shuangshuang) in Fujian University of Engineering.

Working experiences:
1981-1985 undergraduate in the major of engineering mechanics in Liaoning Project Technology University
1985-1989 working in mechanics teaching and research section in Heilongjiang Institute of Mining Technology as TA
1989-1991 studying for Master’s Degree in the college of engineering mechanics in Liaoning Project Technology University
1991-1995 working in mechanics teaching and research section in Heilongjiang Institute of Mining Technology as lecturer
1995-1997 working in mechanics teaching and research section in Heilongjiang Institute of Mining Technology as head and lecturer
1997-2000 working in mechanics teaching and research section in Heilongjiang Institute of Mining Technology as head and associate professor
2000-2002 working in mechanics teaching and research section in Heilongjiang Institute of Mining Technology as head, worked in the major of solid mechanics in Harbin Institute of Technology as doctoral candidate and associate professor
2002-2004 working as deputy director in the department of Mathematics and Mechanics in Heilongjiang Science & Technology College, institute director in the institute of the computational mechanics, professor, doctor and tutor of Master degree candidate
2008.8-2008.12 working as professor in the mechanics teaching and research section of college of civil engineering in Fujian University of Technology
2009-01- working as director in the practice center of the constructional engineering in Fujian University of Technology

1992-1997 committee member of the 7th session of CPPCC (the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) in Jixi city in Heilongjiang Province
1997-2002 committee member of the 8th session of CPPCC (the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) in Jixi city in Heilongjiang Province
1997-2002 Vice Chairman and member of the branch committee in Heilongjiang science and technology branch of China Democratic League
1994.10.8—28 training class outside the Party of Jixi municipal Party committee of CCP
2005.5-2006.11 member of the standing committee of the NPC (the 1st session) in the Songbei district in Harbin
2006.12- member of the standing committee of the NPC (the 2nd session) in the Songbei district in Harbin, vice chair in the branch of the Heilongjiang Science & Technology College in China Democratic League, member of the branch committee in Heilongjiang science and technology branch of China Democratic League
2006.6.8-28 training class outside the Party in Heilongjiang Province (central socialist college)
2006.10.8-12.8 training class of young and mid-aged leaders in Heilongjiang Province (Party school of Heilongjiang provincial Party committee of CPC
2008.1 member of CPPCC in Fujian Province

Teaching materials edited:
1. Exercise Lesson Course of Theoretical Mechanics, coal industry press (1996), associate editor
2. Fundamentals of Elasticity Mechanics, Harbin Engineering University Press (2001), chief editor
3. Engineering Mechanics, engineering industry press (2002), participator in edition
4. Exercise Book of Theoretical Mechanics, higher education press (2004), participator in edition

Scientific Research Projects:
1. Non-local damaged theory of composite materials (item No.: A01-10). Item subsidized by the natural science funds in Heilongjiang Province (2002~2004), the project principal (RMB 17,500)
2. Analysis o the lifetime of the fatigue fracture of the vane wheel machine. Item subsidized by the State Commission of Science and Technology for National Defense Industry (2002~2003), theoretical analysis (2nd) (RMB 300,000)
3. Finite-element analysis on small catheter seal. Item subsidized by the aerospace science and technology group (2003~2004), finite-element analysis (2nd) (RMB 230,000)
4. Mechanics computation of FM-340 pulverizing wheel. Item subsidized by the power station group, finite-element analysis (2nd) (RMB 80,000)
5. Dynamic computation and analysis on aerospace structure. Item subsidized by the aerospace science and technology group (2002~2003), theoretical analysis (2nd) (RMB 50,000)
6. Non-local damaged theory of functionally graded material. Item subsidized by the science commission in Jixi, Heilongjiang Province (2001~2002), the project principal.
7. Finite-element analysis on MG1400 rocker of getter loader. Item subsidized by the coal mining and machinery factory in Jixi (2005), finite-element analysis(RMB 30,000)
8. Research on mechanics behavior of functionally graded material with flaw. (item No.: 10551269).
9. Research on surface crack with defect elastic body (item No.: 11521245). S&T research item of the ministry of education in Heilongjiang Province (2007~2009), principal in the 3rd party. (RMB 15,000)
10. Design and analysis on variable cross-section based o the smart material (item No.: 11521246). S&T research item of the ministry of education in Heilongjiang Province (2007~2009), principal in the 3rd party. (RMB 20,000)
11. Clump of piles model testing of variable rigidity and performance research under the load function in vertical and landscape orientation. (item No.: 2007F3004). Innovated fund item of Fujian young talent (2007~2009), principal in the 2nd party. (RMB 60,000) (Zhong Xiaoli, Bi Xianshun and Xu Liwei)
12. Dynamics issue of functionally graded material under the impact load (item No.: GY-Z0747). Funded item of Fujian College of Engineering (2008~2010). the project principal (RMB 6000)
13. Application of non-local damaged theory on fracture mechanics with functionally graded material (item No.: GY-Z0805). Talent introduction launching funded item in Fujian College of Engineering (2008~2010). the project principal (RMB 150,000)
14. Research on fracture mechanics with functionally graded material with flaw. (item No.:2008F5005)(20O8F505020076)。Research program of Fujian S&T ministry (2008~2010). the project principal (RMB 75,000)
15. Technical R&D and application of new green structural steel architecture and service platform construction in the western coast in Taiwan Strait. Higher education in Fujian province [2009] No.8. (Item No.: GY-HX09007). Fujian education ministry program. (2008.12.08-2012.12.18). the principal in the 4th party (100,000/RMB 320,000)
16. Interference between screw dislocation and imperfect interface in cylinder anisotropy materials (item No.: GY-Z09096). Funded item of Fujian College of Engineering (2009~2011). the project principal (RMB 4500)
17. Research on corrosion property and anticorrosion of steel member (pillar). Fujian education ministry (item No.: JA09176). (2009~2012) (RMB 10,000)
18. Research and development of utility software in the safety system of large structural formwork. Invested by the commission of development and reform in Fujian Province [2007] No. 877. (2007.12.10—2011.12.10). (Principal: Cai Xuefeng. Bi Xianshun ranks 4th) (50,000/RMB 1,500,000)

Prized Programs:
1. Non-local solution to functional gradient materials with Ⅲ-typed flaw infinite strip. He won the 3rd prize of the excellent paper in the 8th session of Fijian natural science. S&T association in Fujian Province, Fujian S&T ministry, Fujian personnel ministry and Fujian education ministry. On 14 August in 2008.

Scientific Research Thesis:
1. X.S.Bi, J.Cheng, X.L.Chen. Moving crack for functionally grated material in an infinite length strip under antiplane shear (SCI、EI). Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2003,39(1):89~97
2. X.S.Bi, J.Cheng, L.Zhang, non local theory for semi-infinite medium under the impact of linear load (EI). Academic journal of Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology. 2001,20(6):780~782
3. X.S.Bi, L.C.Lv, B.L.Liu. Expanded flaw in the interface of different composite materials (EI). Academic journal of Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology. 2002,21(6):783~786
4. X.S.Bi, J.Cheng, X.L.Chen. antiplane flaw of functional gradient materials with infinite strip. Academic journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2002,34(3):363~366
5. X.S.Bi, J.Cheng. Non local resolution of antiplane flaw stress field of functional gradient materials (EI). Academic journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2003, 35(12):1474~1476
6. BI Xianshun, Wang Jianguo,Wu Yunpeng, Liu Baoliang. Theological Hypothesis of Coal Water-Irruption Mechanism. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Mining Technology. Science Press, 2001.pp:279-283
7. X.S.Bi, J.Cheng, L.Zhang. Non local resolution of semi-infinite large composite materials linear load. Academic journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2001,6(5):79~82
8. X.S.Bi, M.T.Zhang. Un-stability mechanism and numerical simulation of mine water inrushing. Academic journal of Northeastern University. 1994, Vol.15,No.4,pp:384-386
9. X.S.Bi, J.P.Wang. Numerical simulation of mine water inrushing. Academic journal of Huainan Engineering Institute. 1997, Vol.17,No.1,pp:12-16
10. X.L.Chen, X.S.Bi, J.Cheng. Interaction between SH wave and functional gradient materials in the static flaw. Academic journal of solid mechanics. 2003,24(1):95~97
11. BI Xianshun, Wang Jianguo,Wu Yunpeng. Non local resolution of antiplane flaw issue of functional gradient materials. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. 2002,12(4):50~53
12. X.S.Bi, J.G.Wang, Y.M.Yu. Influence of flaw separation distance in straight line on K1. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. 2001,11(1):53~55
13. X.S.Bi, Y.M.Yu, B.L.Liu. Research on top coal stress and transformation law. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Mining. 2000, Vol.10,No.4,pp:24-27
14. X.S.Bi, M.T.Zhang. Mechanism of mine water inrushing. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Mining. 1993, Vol.3,No.1,pp:33-37
15. X.S.Bi, T.Z.Luo, J.G.Wang, Z.H.Fan. A new method for calculating curved gravitation. Coal higher education. 1996,pp:60-61
16. B.L.Liu, X.S.Bi, L.H.Sun. An asymptotic resolution of rigid frame internal force under the impact of level load. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. 2002,12(3):35~39
17. L.C.Lv, X.S.Bi, L.H.Sun. Similarity resolution of fracture dynamics of axial symmetry. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. 2002,12(1):40~43
18. X.L.Chen, X.S.Bi, J.Cheng. Antiplane fracture dynamics of infinite horizontal isotropy functional gradient materials. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. 2001,11(2):45~47
19. J.H.Lu, X.S.Bi, S.G.Niu. Methods study on utilization of wasted tyre to make wheel. Coal mine and machinery. 2001, No.8: 16~18
20. T.Z.Luo, X.S.Bi. Tension analysis on metal net. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Mining. 1991, Vol.1,No.1,pp:42-45
21. T.Z.Luo, X.S.Bi. Internal force analysis on finxed arch of parabola in the variable cross-section. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Mining. 1995, Vol.5,No.1,pp:72-74,78
22. T.Z.Luo, X.S.Bi, J.G.Wang, G.Y.Wang. deepen the content of course of theoretical mechanics and improve the teaching quality further. Collected papers of national 3rd session of theoretical teaching and teaching materials seminar. 11, 1993.
23. X.S.Bi, T.Z.Luo, J.G.Wang. The application of classical theories and methods on the calculation methods in modern times. Mechanics teaching seminar paper in colleges and universities of coal mining. 8,1994. Xuzhou.
24. X.S.Bi, J.G.Wang, T.Z.Luo. Further discussion on intensity check of rectangle cross-section. Mining education research. 1994,No.4,38-39
25. X.S.Bi, T.Z.Luo, J.G.Wang. The development and implementation of mechanics of materials CAI. The 1st session of CAI seminar collected papers in Heilongjiang Institute of Mining. 1996,pp:73-74
26. W.Ding, X.S.Bi, N.C.Lv. Mechanical property of the welding point between red copper and stainless steel. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. 2003,13(4):16~18,22
27. H.M.Xu, X.S.Bi, J.Cheng. Semi-infinite extended flaw of orthogonal metamer moving constant load. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. 2004,14(1):59~61
28. Y.P.Wu, T.Z.Luo, X.S.Bi, J.G.Wang. Analysis on teaching method of Mechanical Vibration. Coal higher education. 1996,pp:19-20
29. J.G.Wang, T.Z.Luo, X.S.Bi, G.Y.Wang. Preliminary attempt for strengthening the instruction of theoretical mechanics after class. Mining industry higher education. 1995,pp:16-17
30. G.Wang, X.S.Bi, W.Nie. Influence of gradient parameters on flaw stress field with functional gradient materials (EI). Academic journal of Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology. 2004,23(6):770-772
31. J.G.Wang, X.S.Bi, X.L.Chen. Antiplane flaw issue of free boundary of functional gradient materials with infinite strip (EI). Academic journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2006, 38(2):310~311,325-326
32. B.L.Liu, X.S.Bi, L.H.Yan. Non local theoretical analysis on functional gradient materials with infinite strip. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. 2005,15(3):182~184
33. X.S.Bi, B.L.Liu, L.Y.Yu, Y.L.Li. Movable flaw issue of free boundary of functional gradient materials with infinite strip. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. 2005,15(6):352~354
34. Y.L.Li, X.S.Bi, J.W.Zhang. The application of virtual reality technique. Coal technique. 2006,25(1):111~113
35. Xianshun Bi, Baoliang Liu. Nonlocal Theory Solution for Mode Ⅲ in An Infinite Strip of FGMs(SCI、EI). The 5th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM2006), September 13-15, 2006, Harbin, China.
36. Xianshun Bi, Baoliang Liu and Jin Cheng. Analysis of crack in FGM under anti-plane shear loading using the non-local theory(ISTP). Proceeding of the 1th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Materials (CMESM2006) August 10-12, 2006, Changchun, China.
37. Baoliang Liu, Xianshun Bi. Research on fracture behavior of a cracked film-substrate medium. (SCI、EI). The 5th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM2006), September 13-15, 2006, P903-906, Harbin, China.
38. Baoliang Liu, Xianshun Bi. Research on fracture behavior of film-substrate system(ISTP). CMESM2006, August 10-12, 2006, P556-560, Changchun, China.
39. X.S.Bi, B.L.Liu, L.H.Sun, Y.L.Li. The influence of size on flaw stress field with functional gradient materials with infinite strip. Academic journal of Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology. 2006,25(3):358~360
40. J.G.Wang, B.L.Liu, X.S.Bi. The influence of the basement thickness of dual-composite material structure on thin film flaw. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. 2007,17(4):251~253
41. Xianshun Bi, Xuefeng Cai and Jianxun Zhang. Crack-tip Stress Fields in FGMs under Anti-plane Shear Impact Loading Using the Non-local Theory(SCI、EI). The 5th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM2007), July 17-19, 2007, Madeira, Portual.
42. Xianshun Bi, Jianxun Zhang and Xuefeng Cai.A crack in an infinite plate of FGMs subjected to an anti-plane shear impact loading(ISTP).Ninth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment(ESIA9),15-19 October 2007, Beijing, China
43. X.G.Li, X.S.Bi, D.Y.Chu, J.Cheng. Movable flaw of functional gradient materials with anisotropy with infinite strip. Academic journal of Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology. 2007,26(6):847-849
44. X.S.Bi, J.Z.Zhou, Y.Shi. Crack tip stress field of functional gradient materials under the impact load. Academic journal of Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology. ISSN 1008-0562 CN 21-1379/N 2009,28(5): 774-776
45. X.S.Bi, Cai Xuefeng, Liang Fude. Dynamic stress field of crack tip of functional gradient materials. Academic journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science. (ISSN 1671-0118 ) 2009,19(5): 398-400
46. X.S.Bi. Non local resolution of semi-infinite large composite materials linear load. Collected papers of mechanics and engineering. Shanxi science and technology press. (ISBN978-7-5377-3483-7)2009.9.250-255
47. Xianshun Bi, Feng Yang, Shuangshuang Ma. Moving Crack in An Infinite Plate of Orthotropic Anisotropy FGMs under Anti-plane Shear(EI、ISTP). International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE2009). Advanced Materials Research 2010, 97-101:928-931. (ISSN1022-6680) (Accession Number: 20101612863068)



Name of Program

Award Grade

Award Time


Excellent Teacher in Mechanics in Heilongjiang Province




The 3rdprize in excellent academic paper in the 8thsession of Fujian Natural Science




Excellent Teacher in theacademic year of 2008-2010

College level



Excellent Teacher in graduate teaching and assessment

College level
